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Christensen & Hymas

Orem Personal Injury Attorney

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Christensen & Hymas

Orem Personal Injury Attorney

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Orem Personal Injury Attorney

When you or a loved one suffers an injury due to the negligence or recklessness of another, the fallout can be devastating. You may face expensive medical bills, time off work, and significant physical and emotional pain. In these challenging times, Good Guys Injury Law is here to help you navigate the complex process of…

Utah Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

Spinal cord injuries can change lives in a split second. Such injuries are serious, and victims often face physical, emotional, and financial challenges. Good Guys Injury Law understands the impact these injuries have on victims and their families. We handle all types of personal injury cases, including spinal cord injuries. Even an incomplete spinal cord…

Orem Car Accident Lawyer

Experiencing a car accident can be one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. Not only can there be physical injuries, but the aftermath can also include dealing with insurance companies, medical bills, and lost wages. You don’t have to face this challenging time alone. At Good Guys Injury Law, our dedicated team…


Most people will undergo surgery at some point in their lives. Surgeries range in their impacts, from outpatient procedures like tonsillectomies and tooth extraction to lengthy surgeries like transplants and joint replacements. These more involved surgeries often require long hospital recovery times, physical therapy, and seemingly unmanageable medical bills. Here we’ve provided a guide to some…

Invisible Injuries: Soft Tissue and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Not all injuries are as visible or easy to detect as gashes or broken arms. Because of this, insurance companies often try to settle injury claims as soon as possible for as little as possible, hoping to avoid being charged for an injury that might remain undetected. Likewise, insurance companies often hesitate to offer a…

Are Teen Drivers Really That Bad?

Teenagers are in a stage wherein they want to assert their freedom and show the world that they are capable of many things. Their young age fills them with ideals and passion that drive them to have many goals in life which are all centered towards self-sufficiency and independence. Unfortunately these assertions can impact the…

Rear-end Collisions: Not to Be Taken Lightly

A NHTSA 2003 report defines rear end collision as a crash in which the front of one vehicle collides with the rear of another vehicle. Rear end collision is considered as one of the most frequently occurring types of crashes and is responsible for a large number of injuries, fatalities and substantial property damage annually.…


The list below is only a partial list of our cases. Many of our cases—including some of our biggest cases—are so confidential that we can’t disclose any information here on our website. Our success is due in large part to the fact that we are constantly creating new ways for insurance companies to understand the…