Today is the 29th annual National Cancer Survivors Day. It is a reminder of the challenges that cancer brings, but today is a celebration of life. Cancer is a battle. For some, it ends with heartache and loss. For others, the experience becomes a part of their daily lives. We should take the opportunity today to celebrate the lives, achievements and memory of those who have been affected by cancer.
Cancer touches the lives of individuals and families, changing them forever. Cancer survivors, you offer hope and inspiration. You and your families have been through so much and we understand that it doesn’t end when the cancer is gone. For years after diagnosis and treatment, you still experience troubles in the form of:
- Denial of health and life insurance
- Medical bills and lost wages
- Employment and emotional burdens.
Not only is today about celebrating life, but it is to raise awareness of the all the hidden problems beyond cancer.
Cancer brings a lifetime of challenges. We applaud you for your strength and ability to withstand one of life’s most devastating trials. For all of us, it is a good reminder to be grateful for who and what we have. We at Christensen and Hymas wish you a good and happy day.
Check out the National Cancer Survivor Day website for information on events in your area.