Right before the 2013 school year, Oakdale Elementary saw a last-minute influx of kindergarteners. The Oakdale administration was scrambling to find room, teachers, and funds for these new little students. That’s when first-year teacher Angela Oviatt stepped to the plate.
Originally hired as a part-time teacher, Miss Oviatt made the sacrifice of her time, family, and even at times her sanity to take on a full-time position. This is because Miss Oviatt always places the needs of her students before anything else.
“Kindergarten is a very difficult grade, particularly for a first year teacher,” Principal Alice Peck says. “[But Miss Oviatt] has taken on the extra responsibilities with a positive outlook, a daily smile, and a gracious attitude.”
Because of her exceptional dedication and her drive to always improve, Miss Oviatt won Good Guys Injury Law’ Golden Apple Award, an award designed to help teachers shoulder the expense of purchasing school supplies for their classrooms.
Even in her first year of teaching, Miss Oviatt surpassed the administration’s expectations. In addition to the countless hours Miss Oviatt puts into implementing cutting edge learning objectives and perfecting her teaching, she also stays heavily engaged in school activities by participating in the Problem Solving Team and the Mentor Program, Principal Peck says. She continues:
“We have been thoroughly impressed with Miss Oviatt’s hard work and selflessness. Her love for each student shines through and will be a very positive influence on our kids.”