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Published on June 2, 2023 by Ken Christensen

Ogden Personal Injury Lawyer

We recently helped a mother of four young children and day care owner from Ogden win a large settlement after a car accident left her with serious injuries and skyrocketing medical bills. The insurance company originally told her that the car insurance limits were less than her medical bills, but we made them produce certain legal documents, but which often happens, the company couldn’t find the documents, so the insurance limits ended up being 200 times higher than what they originally told our client. With With our help, she ultimately received a full policy limit settlements.

Stubborn insurance companies are just one of the common obstacles in personal injury cases. Our client in this case, KoryAnn, also had to deal with very expensive medical treatment. Fortunately, we were able to help her overcome these obstacles and win a sufficient settlement. We are committed to achieving these results for all of our clients. This page outlines how our personal injury lawyers can help you get what you deserve.

KoryAnn’s Story: Overcoming Obstacles to Win Your Case

black sedan with rear damage from car accident

KoryAnn was waiting at a stoplight on 24th Street in Ogden when a careless driver rear-ended her car and pushed it into the vehicle in front of her. The force of the impact was so strong that it broke the back of KoryAnn’s seat.  She suffered neck and back injuries, including serious spinal damage. A herniated disc in her spinal cord caused persistent leg pain, numbness and tingling despite physical therapy and injections.

KoryAnn underwent surgery to repair the damage in her back, but it still was not completely successful. She continued to experience significant amounts of pain and discomfort. Her doctor recommended implanting a “neurostimulator.” This device improved KoryAnn’s condition by blocking the pain signals travelling to her brain through her spinal cord. However, the necessary surgery to implant the neurostimulator is very expensive – and it needs to be replaced every few years. KoryAnn faced years of potentially huge medical costs simply to live pain-free. Fortunately, we were able to include these expenses in her settlement demand.

The insurance company did not want to pay KoryAnn the money she needed to cover her injuries.  They tried many different tactics to minimize their payment, but we defended her rights and won her the compensation she deserved. Along the way, we faced some common personal injury case and insurance company obstacles. We had to help KoryAnn answer a lot of questions, including these major ones:

  • What if my Medical Treatment Doesn’t Work?

Unfortunately, treatment and surgeries are sometimes unsuccessful. KoryAnn needed an answer to this question when expensive physical therapy and surgery did not relieve her back pain. In addition to pain, she struggled to sit, stand, walk, and even lay down. The pain was constant. Since accident victims can only receive one settlement to cover their injuries, we could not go forward with KoryAnn’s case until she received effective treatment.

In order to win a proper settlement, there must be a clear plan for treatment and its cost. To “neurostimulator” implant finally stopped KoryAnn’s pain, but we had to consider its future. We discovered that it would have to be replaced every several years, and that each replacement surgery would cost about $100,000. Knowing this allowed us to calculate how much KoryAnn’s settlement needed to be worth.

If your initial medical treatment in unsuccessful, we will work alongside you until your injuries and symptoms are taken care of. Then, we will include all of your medical costs (including future expenses) in our settlement demand.

  • What if the Insurance Company Doesn’t Want to Help Me?

Many people start their injury cases thinking that the insurance company is their friend. However, they soon learn that this is not the case. Insurance companies want to keep their money, and that means they don’t want to pay you what you deserve. In KoryAnn’s case, they tried to avoid paying her by arguing that she had signed a waiver reducing her coverage. She did not recall ever doing this, and we asked the insurance company to produce this waiver. They could not, and KoryAnn received full coverage.

We will help defend you against common insurance company tricks and practices. Throughout our years of personal injury law experience, we have seen just about everything. Fortunately, the law protects you, and we understand the law. The insurance company may not want to help you, but we will make sure they do.

  • What if my Medical Bills are Higher than the Insurance Policy Limits?

As you may know, the costs of treating an injury can be astronomical. Some injury victims worry that their medical bills will exceed insurance policy limits. This is a valid concern. In many cases, health insurance companies want to be reimbursed for the treatment they pay for. The legal term for these kinds of situations is “subrogation.”

In serious injury cases such as KoryAnn’s, medical bills may stack up beyond insurance policy limits. The at-fault party’s insurance company in her case had a $250,000 policy limit. However, KoryAnn’s medical costs and other expenses exceeded this amount. If her health insurance company demanded reimbursement, she would end up losing money in her case. Fortunately, we were able to get the health insurance company to waive their subrogation rights, and KoryAnn did not lose money.

We can help you navigate complex insurance policies. You deserve to get the money that you need to recover from your injuries. We will defend your rights not only to the at fault party’s insurance company, but also to your own personal health insurance provider.

  • How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me?

We regularly help our clients win challenging cases, just as we did with KoryAnn. At Christensen & Hymas, our promise is “service with integrity and compassion when you’ve been injured.” If you are in need of this kind of legal service, contact our personal injury lawyers today. We understand that each case is unique, so we strive to offer a wide array of legal resources.  Additionally, we provide our clients with a contingency fee agreement, which means that we will not charge legal fees until after we win your case.

Personal Injury Cases We Handle

Our Ogden personal injury lawyers help clients in different kinds of cases. Our most common cases include the following:

  • Car accidents
  • Bicycle and motorcycle accidents
  • Wrongful deaths
  • Dog bites
  • Brain injuries
  • And many others

We regularly help clients win all of these kinds of cases. We understand that each case is unique, and will give yours the attention it deserves and needs to be successful.

Free Legal Resources to Help You

We believe it is important to help people understand their own legal situations. When you are familiar with what is happening in your case, the process is smoother for everyone involved. For this reason, we have written several books that we offer for free to anyone who is interested. Our available books are:

If you are interested in an absolutely free copy of any of these books, just click on its title above! They will give you a basic understanding of the law surrounding your personal injury case. If you have further questions or concerns, our lawyers are always ready to help.

Contacting Your Ogden Personal Injury Lawyers

At Christensen & Hymas, books are not the only thing we offer for free. We provide free initial consultations to accident victims with questions about their case. Contact us today to set up an appointment, and we will make sure it as convenient for you as possible. We can meet with you in our office, in your home, or even in the hospital if necessary.

We understand that injury victims are experiencing difficult and stressful times. We strive to provide “service with integrity and compassion when you’ve been injured.” As part of this effort, we offer a No-Fee Guarantee, which means that you will not pay us for any legal services until we win your case. Our goal is to be the best, but we like to let our clients speak for themselves. Watch some of our testimonial videos to get a glimpse of how we can help and serve you.

Image courtesy of Christensen & Hymas.

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Kenneth L. Christensen
Founding Attorney

Ken Christensen, founder of Christensen & Hymas, is a Utah personal injury attorney dedicated to defending injury victims and securing fair settlements. Authorized to practice in all Utah courts, he takes pride in advocating for injured Utahns while balancing work, family, and his love for fishing.