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Last Modified: June 27, 2023

Published on August 10, 2022 • Last updated June 27, 2023 by Ken Christensen

Why Do You Need A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

Without an experienced lawyer, you may not get the monetary compensation that you deserve. In addition, the legal process may take longer and have extra frustration that you don’t need. You need a Utah motorcycle accident attorney to make sure you receive the full amount of your compensation quickly. A motorcycle accident lawyer is thoroughly versed in the special issues impacting motorcycle accident cases. They know how to build evidence of fault. If your case goes to trial, they know how to select a jury that will be fair and open-minded in motorcycle accident claims.

Even with a great case, there are specific steps that you have to take in order to bring your case and receive your compensation. A motorcycle accident lawyer knows what to do, and they know what not to do. Let us help you handle your case with the legal precision and determination that you deserve while you focus on your health and well-being.

I Was in a Motorcycle Accident, Now What?

When you’re in a motorcycle accident, you may wonder—now what?! You probably sustained a serious injury because motorcyclists do not have the protection of a large vehicle surrounding them. Knowing what to do after being involved in a motorcycle accident can be overwhelming and stressful. Our motorcycle accident lawyers explain what to do when you are in a motorcycle accident.

  1. Call 911. Serious injuries need to be treated immediately. Of course, the severity of injuries can vary, but emergency personnel should always be called if anyone has any injuries. The police will accompany emergency vehicles. Police should prepare an accident report that you’ll use to file your insurance claim.
  2. Document the Scene. If possible, take pictures of the crash scene. Write down whatever you can remember about what happened. Pictures and documentation help determine who is at fault. Also, it can be used to show that your injuries were the result of the crash. Along with documentation, you should also get the contact information of other drivers or vehicles that were involved. Get personal contact information as well as insurance company details so that you may file the correct claims with the right companies.
  3. Find Witnesses. Finding witnesses is vital to your case. Victims may be stunned or in shock after the accident and won’t be able to remember exactly what happened. Witnesses may fill in the gaps and help give a clear picture of what actually happened. Try to get witness contact information so that your legal counsel can contact them for more information.
  4. Seek Medical Attention. Even if you don’t see any immediate damage to your body, you should still get checked out by a doctor. There may be internal injuries or pain that could develop over time as the adrenaline from the accident wears off. The most important thing to remember is that you should always see a medical professional after an accident.
  5. Hire an Attorney To Handle a Motorcycle Crash Case. Unfortunately, fair compensation can be lost in the dispute of who is at fault. An attorney can handle your motorcycle accident case to make sure that you are treated fairly. You have nothing to lose as consultations about your case are free of charge. Good Guys Injury Law has knowledgeable attorneys who can help you through the difficulty of injury and the legal claims process. 

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