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Last Modified: June 27, 2023

Published on December 11, 2013 • Last updated June 27, 2023 by Ken Christensen

Utah Motorcycle Safety And Accident Resources

Our motorcycle accident attorney in Utah has put together below a list of useful resources on motorcycle safety and accidents:

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

motorcyclist riding a motorcycle with a helmet NHTSA has a website dedicated to motorcycle safety initiatives that focus on comprehensive programs that prevent crashes, prevent injury when a crash occurs, and reduce the seriousness of injury after a crash. NHTSA also provides motorcycle safety tips and articles on how to choose properly safe riding gears on their main website.

Wheels in Motion

Wheels in Motion provides articles written explicitly with motorcyclists in mind. Some of the articles highlighted the foolishness committed by riders and how it compromised their safety in an attempt to teach a good lesson and highlight the message of safety.

Motorcycle Safety Foundation

Motorcycle Safety Foundation, another NHTSA supported website, contains various articles and links related to motorcyclists and motorcycle safety. Browse through the numerous aspects of motorcycle riding and how human factors, environmental factors, social factors, and motorcycle factors affect your riding experience and safety.

Motorcycle Riders Foundation

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. They are also committed to educating rights advocates to improve effectiveness at the state and local levels.

American Motorcyclist Association

AMA is the world’s largest motorcycling organization, the AMA advocates for motorcyclists’ interests in the halls of local, state and federal government, the committees of international governing organizations, and the court of public opinion. The association promotes competitive motorsports competition and recreational activities or events. Another web page by AMA shows a map of the different states and the corresponding motorcycle law.

Bikers Rights

The Bikers Rights website contains many interesting articles and updates related to motorcycles. It also features issues and concerns on some legislation for motorcyclists across many states in America.

Motorcycle Accident Victims

MAV provides assistance to motorcycle accident victims. The assistance is in the form of cash assistance ($1000 maximum) to help pay mortgage/electric/phone bills, provide gift cards for food, car/bike insurance payments, oil/gas bills and miscellaneous expenses as approved by the MAV board. Due to the small size of the organization, they can provide assistance to riders in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey as of the moment.

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) is an independent, non-profit scientific and educational organization dedicated to reducing the losses, deaths, injuries and property damage from crashes on the nation’s roads. The Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) shares and supports this mission through scientific studies of insurance data representing the human and economic losses resulting from the ownership and operation of different types of vehicles and by publishing insurance loss results by vehicle

University of Utah Health Care

University of Utah has spinal cord system of care that offers you the most comprehensive rehabilitation program in the region. The program begins in the acute hospital and supports you throughout your inpatient stay, outpatient therapies and follow up care and beyond.

National Spinal Cord Injury Association

NSCIA’s webpage contains links to NSCIA chapters, local SCI/D support groups, Model System and CARF-accredited rehab facilities, Centers for Independent Living, State programs and articles on spinal cord injury.

Utah Valley Regional Medical Center

The Utah Valley Regional Medical Center webpage provides the location of various clinics where one can find physical therapy services. Christensen & Hymas advocates road safety for motorcyclists. If you have injured in a motorcycle accident because of someone’s reckless driving behavior, call us at (801)-506-0800 for a free initial consultation.  We will answer all your questions and concerns regarding personal injury claims.  A dedicated and experienced personal injury lawyer is what you need the most during your recovery period. You focus on getting well while we process your claim and get the compensation you deserve. To read more about motorcycle accidents, read our article, “Motorcycle Accidents.

Image “Piccola Iena: Ducati Monster Biker Girl in Milan” copyright by stepaganini.

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