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Last Modified: May 2, 2023

Published on March 24, 2014 • Last updated May 2, 2023 by Ken Christensen

I Was in a Motorcycle Accident, Now What?

Motorcycle_AccidentMotorcycle accidents are scary as the person on the motorcycle usually sustains serious injury because they are more exposed and do not have the protection of a car during an accident. Knowing what to do after being involved in a motorcycle accident can be overwhelming and stressful; this article seeks to help anyone who has been in a motorcycle accident and is searching for what to do next.

Call 911

As mentioned, the seriousness of motorcycle accidents and the injures that are often associated need to be treated immediately. Of course, the seriousness of each accident can vary, but emergency personnel should always be called if anyone has sustained injuries from the accident. The police will accompany any emergency vehicles. In addition to immediate concerns, a police report will be able to provide extra documentation when it comes time to file an insurance claim.

Document the Scene

If possible, take pictures of the scene and write down whatever you can remember as to what happened. Having pictures and documentation of the scene will help the authorities investigating the accident find out who is at fault and what factors played into the accident. Also, this documentation can be evidence if criminal charges for negligence is pressed against the party responsible. Along with documenting, you should also get the contact information of the other drivers or vehicles that were involved. Get personal contact information as well as insurance company information so that you may file the correct claims with the right companies.

Find Witnesses

Finding witnesses is vital to your case. Often times, the parties that were involved in the accident may be stunned or in shock after the accident and won’t be able to remember exactly what happened. In this case, witnesses are able to provide information that can fill the gaps in the story and help give a clear picture of what actually happened. You should try to get any witness’s contact information so you or your legal counsel can contact them when they need more information.

Seek Medical Attention

As the motorcyclist, your injuries may be more obvious than the other party’s injuries, depending on the accident. Even if you don’t see any immediate damage to your body, you should still get checked out by a doctor. There may internal damages or pain that could develop over time as the adrenaline from the accident wears off. The most important thing to remember is that you should always see a medical professional after an accident if only to document that you are in good health.

Hire an Attorney

Unfortunately, fair compensation can be lost in the dispute of who is at fault. If you are not receiving the compensation that you are entitled to, seeking legal counsel would be in your best interest. Even if the legal counsel finds that you may not have a case, you have nothing to lose as consultations about your case are free of charge. Christensen & Hymas has knowledgeable attorneys who can help you through the difficulty of injury. If you have been in a motorcycle accident and you are not able to work because of your injuries, you are entitled to compensation. Call and schedule an appointment today by dialing (801) 506-0800. To read more about motorcycle accidents, read our article, “Motorcycle Accidents“.

Image “Motorcycle Accident” copyright by Jack.

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