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Last Modified: June 27, 2023

Published on September 19, 2013 • Last updated June 27, 2023 by Ken Christensen

Spinal Cord Injury Resources

Injury to the spinal cord is a serious problem. Spinal cord injury may result from an automobile accident, fall and even from violence. Whatever the reason or cause of the injury, the person deserves all the help available to cope with the complications and loss of mobility as a result of the spinal cord injury. Our Utah spinal cord injury attorney provided some resources that spinal cord injury patients might find useful:

Utah Assistive Technology Program

The UATP is a federally funded program serving individuals with disabilities of all ages in Utah and the intermountain region. It provides assistive technology devices and services as well as trains university students, parents, children with disabilities and professional service providers about assistive technology. It coordinates its services with community organizations and others who provide independence-related supports to individuals with disabilities.

What is assistive technology?

Assistive technology is any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. Simply stated, assistive technology includes tools, devices and resources used by individuals with disabilities to help improve their quality of life and increase their independence.

University of Utah Spinal Cord Injury Program

According to University of Utah Health Care, persons with spinal cord injury experience a number of functional limitations. The U of U Health Care’s contribution to society is to help victims achieve the highest level of function by creating a personalized rehabilitation plan to enable a person with spinal cord injury to return to the community. The University of Utah Spinal Cord Injury Program has many components. Among these are TRAIL (Therapeutic Recreation and Independent Lifestyles), Spinal Cord Injury Forum, TRAIL Talk, Sports and Recreation and Wellness Program. TRAILS is designed to prepare individuals with spinal cord injury to engage in active living through sports and exercise programs, recreational experiences and education. TRAILS offers an excellent opportunity for individuals to develop an active lifestyle. The SCI Forum is a series of educational sessions with lectures and informal “hands-on” activities presented by experts in the field of Spinal Cord Injury. Topics include: SCI Basics, Current Research, Secondary Health Conditions, Wellness, Sexuality, Psychological Issues and Support, Community Resources. TRAILS offers the following sports and recreation programs: cross country skiing, downhill skiing, handcycling, kayaking, swimming and wheelchair tennis. Our programs provide adaptive equipment and assistance with all sports.

National Spinal Cord Injury Association

The National Spinal Cord Injury Association (NSCIA) Resource Center provides information and resources to meet the needs of over one million individuals who have spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D); their families and friends; the medical and scientific community; service and business professionals; the media; students; government; elected officials; and the public.

Think First National Injury Prevention Foundation

Think First National Injury Prevention Foundation is an organization that advocates prevention of injury through wise choices. It has an educational campaign aimed at giving information to teenagers and motorists on the safe use of helmets, seat belts, driving sober and not using excessive speed, all of which can lead to avoidance of injury and maintenance of quality life.

Centers for Independent Living

Centers for independent living (CILs) are private, nonprofit corporations that provide services to maximize the independence of individuals with disabilities and the accessibility of the communities they live in. Centers are funded in part by the Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, and Independent Living Branch to provide, among other things, several core services. Their mission statement is to assist persons with disabilities achieve greater independence by providing services and activities which enhance independent living skills and promote the public’s understanding, accommodation, and acceptance of their rights, needs and abilities. If you have been injured at the negligence of someone else, please do not hesitate to contact us at Christensen & Hymas for a free consultation.

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